Greeting Brothers and Friends,
A historical feat is upon us, Fall Retreat 2021 – Dallas, Texas, thee brainchild of Brother LaKarius “KJ” Smith (Winter 16” initiate). The first of its kind in the history of our beloved Brotherhood, this upcoming Fall Retreat’s theme is Bigger & Bolder, modeled after the phrase Everything’s Bigger in Texas. The Retreat will draw in our brothers to the city of Dallas, Texas on October 15th – 17th, 2021. This Retreat will focus on our principle of Brotherhood. The pandemic has pulled us apart for too long, and now with the breakthrough technology that are the various COVID-19 vaccines, our Fraternity will be able to join together safely and truly have a festive time!
The weekend will feature no business and all bonding! There will be opportunities to sight-see, experience the best restaurants and lounges the city has to offer, and enjoy outdoor experiences in the sunny Texas weather. We encourage all of our Brothers to attend this first of its kind retreat and help us make history!
C.B. Horne, M.S.
National President 2018-2022